Beauty is a dirty business. Our mission is to clean it up.

And we started with the format

Cutting-edge efficacy meets remarkable sustainability.


Apples to Apples

Our Tablets
64 Tablets Weight ~1.4 g
Residual Moisture 10%
Water Shipped 0.14 ml
Ingredient Count <10
Generic Serum
Serum Weight 30 mg
Water Content 70-90%
Water Shipped 24 ml
Ingredient Count 30+
Future Proofed
High Tech Low Impact.

When it comes to sustainability, packaging is often first in mind. Sure, it's an important part — but not the only one. In fact, we'd argue that it's not even the most important one. We believe sustainability has to be approached as a whole rather than disconnected pieces. By re-imagining our product eco-system, we had to step away from established processes — which allowed us to overcome many of today's challenges in ways traditional products can't.

In 2023:
Carbon, Plastic and Water Neutral
2024 Promise

Certified B Corporation, 1% For the Planet and Climate Neutral Certified.

Cutting-edge efficacy meets sustainability.

New Standards. Here is how our 360˚ approach to sustainability levels up to traditional products. These are great, but we continuously work to improve them.

Raw Materials -80%
Product Weight -95%
Raw Materials -75%
Single-Use Plastic -0%
Water Usage -63%
Energy Use -65%
Shipped Weight -80%
GHG Emissions -80%
Added Weight + 0.22 g
Total Weight 0.244 g